AH Adventist Home, The
1BC Bible Commentary, The SDA , Vol. 1 (2BC for Vol. 2, etc.) CCh Counsels for the Church
COL Christ’s Object Lessons
Con Confrontation
CT Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students
CTr Christ Triumphant
DA Desire of Ages, The
DD Darkness Before Dawn
Ed Education
EP From Eternity Past
Ev Evangelism
EW Early Writings
HF From Here to Forever
LHU Lift Him Up
MB Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing
MM Medical Ministry
Ms Manuscript, E. G. White
PP Patriarchs and Prophets
RC Reflecting Christ
RH Review and Herald
1SM Selected Messages, Book One (2SM for Book 2, etc.)
1SP Spirit of Prophecy, The, Vol. 1 (2SP for Vol. 2, etc.)
ST Signs of the Times
SW Southern Work, The
YRP Ye Shall Receive Power