In the Bible we are told that God is love (1 John 4:8). It is important to note that John said God is love rather than saying ‘God has love.’ The use of the first person of the verb ‘to be’ indicates that love is His very essence and not merely one of His attributes. His essence is further represented in the Scriptures as light, which in turn is tied with the word life, so that love (agape), light (phos), and life (zoe), are key terms used in describing His character. God’s essence of agape love is selfless, self- sacrificing, unconditional, infinite, because it is not based on the goodness of the one loved, but on the perfection of the Lover. While people are still in their sinful depraved ungodly condition, God’s agape love has accepted them. agape love is demonstrated thus:

For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life (Romans 5:6-8, 10).

It is vital for us to understand that God’s agape love is the very essence of His Being. His character, His essence, is the one and only supreme rule of law, the sole principle by which He has always and ever will govern the universe.

All of God’s attributes are a reflection of His essence of agape love. No circumstances can cause God to react in a way that is different to his character of agape love. It does not matter how evil are the circumstances God is confronted with, yet He remains constant to His own character, the rule of law of agape love. God will never operate outside the parameters of His agape love principle.

God and His agape love essence are inseparable, constant, and immutable. Since God is immutable, His essence, this rule of law, is also immutable. The principle of agape love is eternal because it is the very essence of God, and God is eternal.

Every action and reaction of God, in all matters, is governed by and is a reflection of His timeless principle represented by the tree of life. This timeless principle of His agape love is eternal because it is the very essence of God, and God is eternal. God does not operate outside of the parameters of His agape love principle. God and His essence of agape love cannot be separated and both are constant and immutable.

Thus we may state that the essence of God is absolutely pure agape love. But even to use the phrase ‘pure agape love’ is a misnomer, for agape love has no form of adulteration by any other contrary principle. Hence, by definition, agape love is unadulterated and pure. In contrast to Satan’s principle of good and evil, God’s essence of agape love positively cannot be a hybrid containing both good and evil.

It must remain extremely clear that the one and only true God of the universe does not have these two antithetical principles embodied and mixed in His character. If humanity is worshipping a hybrid God of good and evil, then they are not worshipping the one and only true God of the universe.

As arbitrary punishment is non-existent in God’s law of agape love, there is therefore no arbitrary punishment in God. Every action and reaction of God in all matters is governed by, and is a reflection of, His timeless principle of agape love, which was represented by the tree of life. God’s pure essence of agape love, the sum total of His character and His being, is immortal and indestructible.

God would not be immortal, indestructible, and omnipotent if He possessed the kind of power that can destroy all opposition with a blink of an eye. It is only due to His nature of agape love, which has no form of destruction in it, that He is immortal, indestructible and omnipotent.

Excerpt taken from The Demonization of God Unmasked